Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Life can be good

You know, it's tough getting started in the real world. Sometimes it takes longer than you think it should. Sometimes it seems like everyone else around you has got themselves together and has figured it all out, leaving you behind in the dust wondering when it's going to be your turn. If you're that person, it's likely that you struggle with patience. I know I do. 
Life can be scary when you're unsure where you're going to go, but keep your head up. It gets better. 
Eventually, something is going to happen that will make it all worth it. And in hindsight, you'll see that the period of waiting for your life to start had a purpose. You'll see that you've learned some valuable lessons, and there's a good chance that you've grown tremendously through it. 
I'm getting there now. My love proposed to me a couple of weeks ago, and I'm planning a wedding that I don't care so much about--I'm more excited about afterwards, being married to the man of my dreams. I couldn't have picked a better guy to spend the rest of my life with. The funny thing is--I didn't pick him.
I'm in an internship doing work that I actually enjoy rather than tolerate, and I quit my retail job.
The best part is seeing how far I've come in just this past year. By the grace of God, I am constantly growing and changing to become the person God made me to be. I'm learning to love in deed and truth, and I'm learning that grace is not something to be hoarded, but given out freely. I'm excited for what the future may hold, but right now it's time for some more waiting. I'm ok with that.

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