Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Forgotten Sin

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,... (Galatians 5:19-20 ESV)

When looking at this passage, it's so easy for us to focus on the "big sins," pointing out sexual immorality, idolatry, anger, etc. So many times we read through this (what seems like) never-ending list of works of the flesh and skip over a couple key points hidden in the middle. In fact, it seems like one of the biggest traits of the modern-day church is division. We separate ourselves by how we worship, interpretations of the Bible, or what we focus on.  
 Churches seem to split left and right over disagreements in leadership or a part of ministry. We feel like we have to clarify which type of Christian we are. And although we are all supposed to be a part of one unified body, we still pass judgement on other parts or even consider them foes. The thing is, I'm not immune to this phenomenon. I've grown up with my own ideas about other denominations, and I've even stepped away from the church in it's entirety because I nit-picked every church in town (a town that had more churches than restaurants). 
 The thing is, we're human. It's easy to make excuses for dissension and division. We get hurt. We have a major disagreement. We think others' methods are outright wrong. The thing about being a Christ-follower, though, is that He calls us to put all that aside. We are to forget ourselves and seek Him first. We are to put our brothers and sisters ahead of ourselves. We are to be open and honest and work out our differences. We are called to be unified, celebrate the differences, and extend the grace God continually gives us each day. 
 The devil knows this. I could even argue that his favorite method is divide and conquer. When we are so focused on fighting each other, we forget who the real enemy is. Prayers go unsaid, people go unheard, and the Gospel remains hidden. He likes to play to our pride or our past or whatever it is that will separate us from the community God has put us in. 
 I don't care what church you go to or what brand of Christianity you adhere to. Either way, I hope to see you in heaven. For now, I believe the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is in need of some repairs. The sinews of Christ's body need to grow back together because together we are far stronger than we could ever be apart. 
 When I would have fights with my friends growing up, my mother often quoted what I now know to be a verse in the Bible. She said a cord of 3 is not easily broken, meaning that on our own we are weaker than we are together, and with Christ we are nearly invincible. Let's not forget that.