Friday, July 15, 2016

Democracy at Work

I grew up in a very politically vocal household. Most Conservative Republicans are. My schooling involved a lot of right-wing rants from my history teacher. I went to college and was exposed to more liberals, but my politics teacher was conservative.

As I've grown, I've started to see the problem with democracy in America. It's the problem many people in my generation have noticed alongside me - their response is to relinquish their right to vote. What is this problem that would cause so many to forgo a right that generations have fought to gain? The problem is that there is no real representative of the people in our government.

Looking at the issues that the 2 major parties stand on, I see no one that I completely agree with. I almost think that this is done purposely so that people focus on one issue when voting and don't see the other stances on issues that they are voting for.

Did you know that there are 5 "major" political parties? There are 33 "minor" parties, as well. So, why is it we only hear about 2?

We can blame the media, but I think the blame lies on the citizens. We don't take the time to look at ALL of our options. Why should we always feel like we are choosing the lesser of two evils? People say that if they vote for any other candidates, they are throwing away their vote. Isn't the point of voting to make your voice heard?

I say we start voting for what we believe in with confidence. That we stop putting ourselves on polar opposites - making it a state of "us and them" and making the chasm between larger. I say that we take our right to vote and use it. Make the American government speak for the people again.

Look at your options & vote for who most closely resembles your beliefs.

This country will be a much better place if we all did.

This seems to be the best website I can find about all the candidates:

Here's a quiz to see whom you side with most, look into each result, though, to see how your response compares: