Lately, I've been sharing a lot on social media - and eagerly discussing at every opportunity - my newfound love of minimalism. And why shouldn't I love it? It aligns so perfectly with all my values. Since minimalism is so counter-cultural, though, my friends and family don't quite share my enthusiasm.
I'm very passionate about sustainability, being a good steward of the earth God gave us, and fighting for equality throughout the world. Minimalism forces me to be a conscientious consumer - looking at the impact my purchases and habits have on the world around me.
I went from overwhelmed, over-booked, and retail-crazed to nearly debt-free and relaxed. Looking back, I realized that it's been a long journey to where I am now, and it's certainly not over.
The next few posts will be about how I've simplified various parts of my life, including my time, my finances, my diet, and my possessions. I'll talk about the resources that inspired me and the impact simplifying has had.
I may not convert you to minimalism, but I'll try.
Where's your "like" button? You are on a good path.