I know that kids grow, situations morph, things change. So, I know that after I've gotten used to being a mother of an infant, I'll have to learn to get used to a new dynamic. That's how life works - it's an ever-evolving roller coaster ride.
I've learned to flow into the rhythm of mom-ing it.
We were spoiled with a really good sleeper until we moved our son to his own room a little over a month ago. Finally, after a terrible night of waking up every half hour to screams, I had had enough and frantically searched for sleep solutions. I had a frustrating week of sleep training that resulted in our son sleeping even better than he had when we thought we were spoiled. Our average of 8 hours straight turned into an average of 11 hours straight. That changed a lot of things for us.
Rather than just feeding him for an hour 'til he was in a deep sleep or trying to find just the right combination of bouncing with the right song to lull our baby to sleep - "an art" as my husband called it - we now have a routine. It frees us up to be able to go out without worrying whether grandparents are up to the task of putting him down.
This routine has also allowed me to have free time to myself during the day. He no longer has to nap attached to me, so I can get things done - clean the house, take showers, or nap. It's delightful. The added benefit? Getting my libido back. The constant physical attachment was a drain that made any extra attention from my husband unwelcome. This sleep scheduling thing really helped our marriage in the still-new parents chapter.
For those of you wondering if I ever bonded with baby, I did. It took time and patience, but I love that kid like I never loved anyone before. I'm not saying I love him more than anyone else, just different. Like, have-a-complete-emotional-and-mental-break-down-over-how-the-heck-am-I-going-to-protect-him-from-people-who'd-wish-him-harm different. Sorry, dad, for rolling my eyes every time you worried about me getting abducted. I get it now.
And with his ever-increasing mobility (hopefully crawling soon), and our consistent nap schedule, I am enjoying motherhood even more. I can spend his sleeping hours writing or watching mind-numbing TV, and when he's awake, I'm able to be fully present with him.
I'm learning to balance my desire to be the perfect mom/wife with the reality that some days I just don't have the energy to make a meal from scratch. I have to be okay with that. I'm no super mom, but I definitely earned the massage I got (as an early present) for Mother's Day.
Moms, wherever you are right now in your motherhood journey, I hope that you know you're doing an awesome job. Don't pressure yourself to be the perfect Pinterest-ing mom, just be the best you can be and leave the rest up to God.
(I need to remember that.)
The two books I read for sleep scheduling (the latter worked better for us, although it was really long):
On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, 4th Edition: A Step-by-Step Program for a Good Night's Sleep
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